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Alicia wrote the following articles for Alternatives Magazine:


Living Inside the BOX

Cars and computers are molding our bodies into shapes that would fit inside large cereal boxes. If our arms, bent at the elbows in right angles, were pressed against our sides by the front and back of the boxes, and if our legs were tucked at the knees and hips, we would fit quite nicely.

The trouble is: As we sit, so we think. With our bodies folded into semi fetal positions, our thoughts become like cereal, separate and crunchy, full of white flour and sugar, lacking in nutritional substance...


Lying Like Hell and Other Fictions
To tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God....

Trickery, conning, bluffing and diverting have evolved as skills over the centuries by monkeys, baboons, apes and humans in order to further their own ends. According to the Machiavellian intelligence hypothesis, put forth by primatologists Richard W. Byrne and Andrew Whiten, the need to survive and the drive to outsmart other primates brought about social gamesmanship and the rapid increase in animal intelligence...


Cancer Patients and Bodywork Therapies

When a friend studying massage therapy told me she couldn’t give me a massage after I’d been diagnosed with cancer, I felt like a leper. I was stunned and angry, frustrated that a massage school would teach its students, including my friend, to fear that massage spread cancer in the body.

That was in 1994. Later on that year, I found a massage therapist who would work with me and I was so relieved...


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